When getting ready to sell your home appearance is everything ! One popular way to appear attractive to buyers is through staging. Here are some helpful tips for staging your own home without having to hire a professional.

The first and perhaps most important step in preparing your home for showing is to perform a thorough cleaning. In addition to dusting and vacuuming all rooms, steam cleaning the carpets can make a tremendous difference. Make sure to clean the tile and hardwood floors as well. It is also recommended you wash the windows to give your home that extra sparkle! Lastly, adding air freshener to some rooms is a good idea, especially if you have pets.

Removing personal items from around the house is strongly suggested . Potential buyers are more likely to visualize themselves living in the home if they are not distracted by items such as family or vacation photos.

Clearing away the clutter is another way to make sure your home is looking its best. You don‘t have to be a minimalist, but clutter does put you at a disadvantage. As you declutter, pay attention to items like toys, periodicals and cables. Areas like closets, bookshelves, cabinets, and pantries should be cleaned out and organized. Kitchen and bathroom counters should be cleaned off. This is a good time to make pies of things to save, donate, and throw away. Items your home look brighter and cleaner. Just remember to use neutral colors instead of vibrant bright colors. Lastly, the outside of your home is the potential buyer‘s first impression. Many sellers spend much of their time readying the inside of their house,

you are keeping can be boxed up and placed neatly in the garage or rent a storage space while you are showing your home.

There are many ways you can decorate a house that buyers will love. Placing fresh flowers on the table in your entryway or on the dining room table adds a welcoming touch. Increasing the bulb wattage in lamps and light fixtures will help to make your home light and bright. When rearranging furniture, either focus on the area of the room with the best feature or arrange in a way that creates good traffic flow. Removing large rugs also gives a room a more spacious feel. Don’t forget to use your best hand towels in the bathrooms to give it that spa feeling. Adding a fresh coat of paint to the walls, doors or trim can make

but don’t forget to clean the outside, too! Keep the lawn mowed, the driveway and any walkways free of clutter or debris, and ensure the house number is easy to see from the street. You might also invest in a bit of landscaping or spend some time sprucing up what you have. And remember the backyard is just as important when staging your home. Make sure your patio furniture is clean and toys put away.

Staging your home allows you to highlight your home‘s strengths and downplay its weaknesses. By creating a home that appeals to a range of potential buyers you are more likely to sell your home quickly and for a higher price. Good luck!